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分类:硬件教程    发布时间: 2023年03月10日 11:31:20




Paramount News brings you special coverage ofPrincess Ann's visit to London.


The first stop on her much publicised goodwill tourof European capitals.


Thousands cheer a young member of one ofEurope's oldest ruling families.


She gets a royal welcome.


After three days of continuous activity and a visit to Buckingham Palace.


Ann flew to Amsterdam,


where she dedicated the new International Aid Building and an ocean liner.


Then she went to Paris, attending many official functions,


to cement trade relations between her country,


and the Western European nations.


And so to Rome, the Eternal City


where the princess's visit was marked by a spectacular parade,


highlighted by the band of the crack bersaglieri regiment.


The smiling young princess showed no sign of the strain of the week's continuous publicappearances.


At her country's embassy that evening,


a formal reception and ball in her honour


was given by her country's ambassador to Italy.




Simba: Hey, Nala.

Nala: Hi, Simba.

Simba: Come on. I just heard about this great place.

Nala: {Through clenched teeth} Simba! I'm kind of in the

middle of a bath.

Sarabi: And it's time for yours.

{Simba tries (too late) to escape; Sarabi bends

down and grabs him. She proceeds to give the struggling

cub a bath.}

Simba: Mom! ...Mom. You're messing up my mane.

{Sarabi smiles.}

Simba: Okay, okay, I'm clean. Can we go now?

Nala: So where are we going? It better not be anyplace


Simba: No. It's really cool.

Sarabi: So where is this "really cool" place?

Simba: Oh. {thinks} Uh... around the water hole.

Nala: The water hole? What's so great about the water


Simba: {Whisper} I'll SHOW you when we GET there.

Nala: {Whisper} Oh. {Normal} Uh... Mom, can I go with


Sarafina: Hmm... What do you think, Sarabi?

Sarabi: Well...

Nala and Simba: {through broad, forced grins} Pleeeease?

Sarabi: It's all right with me...

{Nala and Simba are overjoyed}

Nala: All right!

Simba: Yeah!

Sarabi: ...As long as Zazu goes with you.

{Simba and Nala stop dead in their celebration}

Simba: No. Not Zazu.

[Water Hole Scene]

{Camera is at a ground angle slightly behind the cubs

walking towards the water hole. Zazu is visible in the sky


Zazu: Step lively. The sooner we get to the water hole,

the sooner we can leave.

{Camera angle changes to the cubs from an immediate real


Nala: {Whisper} So where we really going?

Simba: {Whisper} An elephant graveyard.

Nala: Wow!

Simba: {Whisper} Shhh! Zazu.

Nala: {Whisper} Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?

{Camera switch to just above Zazu. We hear the cubs

whispering back and forth below}

Simba: {Whispering} Oh, I know how we can--

Zazu: {Flying down} Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds

of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents

will be thrilled... {He lands in front of them} ...what

with your being betrothed and all.

Simba: Be-what?

Zazu: Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.

Nala: Meaning...?

Zazu: {As though holding on to his coat lapels} One day,

you two are going to be married!

Simba: Yuck!

Nala: Ewww.

Simba: I can't marry her. She's my friend.

Nala: Yeah. It'd be too weird.

Zazu: Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle-

doves have no choice. It's a tradition...

{Simba mimics Zazu during these last words}

Zazu: ...going back generations.

Simba: Well, when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go.

Zazu: Not so long as I'm around.

{Start fading in intro to "I Just Can't Wait to Be King"}

Simba: Well, in that case, you're fired.

Zazu: Hmmm... Nice try, but only the king can do that. {Pokes

Simba's nose}

Nala: Well, he's the future king.

Simba: Yeah. {Thumping Zazu's chest} So you have to do

what I tell you.

Zazu: Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm

afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king


Simba: Hmph. Not the way I see it.

{Full song, colors change to wild pop-African. Background

abruptly becomes surreal, brightly-colored cartoon style.}

Simba: I'm gonna be a mighty king

So enemies beware!

Zazu: Well, I've never seen a king of beasts

{Plucks Simba's hair where mane would be}

With quite so little hair

{Simba gets a mane of leaves}

Simba: I'm gonna be the mane event

Like no king was before

{Climbs a log}

I'm brushing up on looking down

I'm working on my ROAR

{On "ROAR" he shouts at Zazu, startling him backwards into

a puddle}

Zazu: {Drying on what appears to be a hanging towel}

Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing

{Camera pulls back; reveals the "towel" as the ear of a red

elephant which hits Zazu with its trunk as with a golf club,

sending him skipping like a stone across a shallow pool of

water; the cubs follow immediately.}

Simba: Oh, I just can't wait to be king!

Zazu: {Speaking} You've rather a long way to go, young master,

if you think...

{For this verse Zazu is making quick spoken-part replies

to each line. Simba and Nala are on each side of Zazu; as

he turns to talk to one, the other makes faces at him.}

Simba: No one saying do this

{Zazu: Now when I said that, I--}

Nala: No one saying be there

{Zazu: What I meant was...}

Simba: No one saying stop that

{Zazu: Look, what you don't realize...}

Simba and Nala: No one saying see here

{Zazu: Now see here!}

Simba: Free to run around all day

{Simba and Nala are now riding ostriches}

{Zazu: Well, that's definitely out...}

Simba: Free to do it all my way!

Zazu: {Flying ahead of the cubs, looking back to speak to them

and so not paying attention ahead}

I think it's time that you and I

Arranged a heart to heart

{Flies into a rhino}

Simba: Kings don't need advice

From little hornbills for a start

{Lights on a branch}

Zazu: If this is where the monarchy is headed

Count me out!

Out of service, out of Africa

I wouldn't hang about... aagh!

{The camera pulls back to reveal Zazu has lighted on a log

being washed towards a waterfall. It disappears over the

edge. Zazu yells in surprise, but quickly reappears flying

towards and through the camera.}

This child is getting wildly out of wing

Simba: Oh, I just can't wait to be king!

{The cubs trot up a corridor of zebras standing at attention;

when Zazu follows, they all turn and raise their tails; Zazu

covers himself with a wing.}

{Nala and Simba dance about under a moving herd of elephants

while the African flute leads a short instrumental sequence.

Zazu flies overhead, looking for them. Simba ends up standing

on a giraffe's head.}

Everybody look left {Zazu squawks as the herd tramples him}

Everybody look right

{Simba hops up a ladder of giraffe heads}

Everywhere you look I'm

{Sliding down a giraffe's neck into theatrical pose}

Standing in the spotlight!

Zazu: {Speaking, but in strict time} Not yet!

Chorus: Let every creature go for broke and sing

Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing

It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling

{The Chorus of hippos, anteaters, antelopes, giraffes, etc.

forms a pyramid with the cubs on top}

Simba Chorus: Oh I just can't wait to be king!

Oh I just can't wait to be king!

Oh I just can't waaaaaait ... to be king!

{The pyramid topples leaving the rhino sitting on Zazu}

Zazu: {Muffled} I beg your pardon, madam, but... GET OFF! ...

Simba? Nala?

辛巴,娜娜,沙祖,辛巴它妈。+ 一堆其他动物




侍卫1:-That's enough. He's ready to talk.



{Clears throat}

姜饼人:-You are a monster.

国王:-I'm not the monster here. You are. You and the rest of that fairy tale trash, poisoning my perfect world. Now, tell me! Where are the others?

姜饼人:-Eat me!{Grunts}

国王:-I've tried to be fair to you creatures. Now my patience has reached its end! Tell me or I'll - -

姜饼人:-No, no, not the buttons. Not my gumdrop buttons.

国王:-All right then. Who's hiding them?

姜饼人:-Okay, I'll tell you. Do you know the muffin man?

国王:-The muffin man?

姜饼人:-The muffin man.

国王:-Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane?

姜饼人:-Well, she's married to the muffin man.

国王:-The muffin man?

姜饼人:-The muffin man!

国王:-She's married to the muffin man.

{Door opens}

侍卫2:-My lord! We found it.

国王:-Then what are you waiting for? Bring it in.

{Man grunting}


国王:-Oh!Magic mirror!

姜饼人:-Don't tell him anything! {Ginerbread man whispers}No!(被扔出去了)

国王:-Evening. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all?

魔镜:-Well, technically you're not a king.

国王:-Uh, Thelonius(侍卫1给一个大锤子).

国王:-You were saying?

魔镜:-What I mean is, you're not a king yet. But you can become one. All you have to do is marry a princess.

国王:-Go on.


魔镜:-So, just sit back and relax, my lord, because it's time for you to meet today's eligible bachelorettes. And here they are! Bachelorette number one is a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hot tubbing anytime. Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her two evil sisters. Please welcome Cinderella.

魔镜:-Bachelorette number two is a cape-wearing girl from the land of

fancy. Although she lives with seven other men, she's not easy. Just

kiss her dead, frozen lips and find out what a live wire she is. Come

on. Give it up for Snow White!

魔镜:-And last, but certainly not last, bachelorette number three is a fiery redhead from a dragon-guarded castle surrounded by hot boiling lava! But don't let that cool you off. She's a loaded pistol who likes pina colads and getting caught in the rain. Yours for the rescuing, Princess Fiona!

魔镜:-So will it be bachelorette number one, bachelorette number two or bachelorette number three?

姜饼人:-Two! Two!

侍卫2侍卫1:-Three! Three!

姜饼人:-Two! Two!


国王:-Three? One?

{Shudders} Three?

侍卫2侍卫1:----Three! Pick number three, my lord!

国王: -Okay, okay, uh, number three!

魔镜:-Lord Farquaad, you've chosen Princess Fiona.

If you like pina coladas

And getting caught in the rain

-Princess Fiona.

If you're not into yoga

国王: -She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone who can go - -

魔镜:-But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night.

国王: -I'll do it.

魔镜:-Yes, but after sunset - -

国王: -Silence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, and DuLoc will finally have the perfect king!Captain, assemble your finest men. We're going to have a tournament.

还有很多别的,你可以打cartoon script 然后选你喜欢的卡通



刚刚是4个人的,但是全男性的 从影片的第79分钟哪里开始 这段短片有有4分钟左右


A:It's been a while since i have been behind the wheel of one of these

C:First time i've ever been in the front seat.

A:Hey,Rom what took you so long,i thought for sure,you be showing up with some chrome spinners or something.

B:Ha...hah...real funny,i got a 100,000 that says,i can take you call in the next guarter mile.

A:Yeah,you broke that like you got a 100 grand.

B:If me pull off this job,i will,next lights,a 100,000.

C:If we don't pull this job off,we are probbly dead anyway.let's make it a million.

A:I like that,alright,million dollar a quarter mile.

C:Alright then.

D:We only live once,let's do it.

A:What do you say dom?

D:Are we talking or we cacing?

A:Just don't cheat this time.

D:You gotta let that go.

A:You are activities moving.

B:I want the get these money,i am owend.

D:Don't make it too easy for me boys.

B:No ~

A:Not this time,dom.

D:Got you wanted,cnien.

A:Yeah~~owed you ...owed you

D:Good race o'conner.

A:Thanks dom,you don't on the way rich.

C:,Hold on,you can see it,

D:the man right there,he left off the throttle with a mile,you didn't do nothing,he let you win.



你就模仿gossip girl片头, 或者情景里面的一段啊。

或任何美剧呗, 简单的friends

难的就criminal minds什么的有心理戏的

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