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分类:硬件教程    发布时间: 2023年02月12日 22:20:51


Playing games is not only a waste of time and a waste of money and time to play games harmful to the body。


I think playing computer games and chatting on line by mobile phone wastes our time and money.And there are lots of negative news having a bad influence on teenages.



Online games on the computer will be intoxicating! This not only a waste of time, but also a waste of our money,其实你可以用谷歌翻译的说。

用it be句形翻译句子:我认为玩电脑游戏是浪费时间?

I think it's a waste of time to play puter games. 复句

I think it a waste of time to play puter games. 单句,5,


I think playing computer games and chatting on line by mobile phone wastes our time and money.And there are lots of negative news having a bad influence on teenages.

栏目:硬件教程 阅读:0 2022/09/08
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